
If you are tired of city buzz, you'll enjoy the following proposal.
We invite you for recreation in the village! For urban inhabitants, who are still not totally addicted to urban life’s comfort  , for those who love fresh air, quietness, solitude, horses and extreme –  rest with horses  on weekends and weekdays is for you.
We are sure you would like to stay in a place like that. The major sphere is teaching to ride and also we teach the basic knowledge about horse handling. You can learn how to saddle up and to harness the horse and many other things.


Russian Travel routes: Yamal Peninsula

 In the Nenets language Yamal means the Ends of the Earth. This northern pearl of Russia is harsh, but incredibly beautiful region. Most of the territory of this region is located behind the Polar Circle. The majority of natives are Nenets whose life was connected with deer for a long time. «Children of deer» – this is how the Nenets call themselves. Deer is a sacred animal for Nenets, their source of food, clothes, transport and money.


Russian Travel Routes: Kola Peninsula

          Perhaps, this is the most mysterious northern region of  Russia. The peninsula was totally covered by the ice for several thousands of years and after the ice melted here 100 000 lakes and 18 000 rivers were formed.


Kuril Islands by the eyes of Ivan Demetievskii

Kuril Islands are stretched from Kamchatka peninsula to Hokkaido Island. Wonderful natural complex consist 56 islands. Kuril is the land of volcanoes, geysers and amazing nature. There are more than 150 volcanoes and 36 of them are active. Many of hot springs (geothermal springs) have the healing qualities.


So true and simple video about Russia, its people and your opportunities in business!


Russian travel routes: Buryat Republic

     There is a famous saying: «The  grass is greener on the other side of the river» . And really, we admire Amazonian jungles, canyon of North America, African deserts, but, for unknown reason,  we forget about the beauty of the Russian nature. We are glad to introduce to you the most beautiful travel routes in Russia by the eyes of a famous Russian photographer Ivan Dementievskiy. 

          This is one of the most picturesque regions in the Eastern Siberia with a rich history, multinational population and authentic culture. Most of the population of Buryatia are buddhists. But there are also widespread such religions as shamanism, orthodoxy and old believers. Buddhists datsuns (temples), orthodoxy temples, tapes on the trees, sacred mountains where spirits live - all this makes the incredible atmosphere.


Terry W. Virts shared a beautiful photo of Mocow from the space and made a comment in Russian "Москва блистает как яркая звезда на фоне полярного сияния" - Moscow shines like a bright star against the background of the polar light.


Sergei Polunin, "Take Me to Church" by Hozier, Directed by David LaChapelle
Highly recommended for inspiration, mood improvement and admiration!
Dear Friends! We are looking for the contacts of people who are ready to share information about Russia (no politics) - any region in Russia - everything that can be interesting: people, places, events etc. If you are ready to share or you know somebody who can be helpful please contact us.
If you visited Russia and have something to tell please do! We are open for discussion!
Looking forward :)

Друзья! Мы ищем контакты людей, которые готовы делиться интересной информацией (вне политики) о городской жизни и не только - места, люди, события. Интересуют все регионы РФ, не только Москва.
Если у вас есть что рассказать - пишите в ЛС.
Возможно, кто-то из ваших друзей или знакомых заинтересуется, сделайте, пожалуйста, репост (естественно +100500 в карму каждому)
Спасибо за внимание!
‪#‎FriendlyRussia‬ ‪#‎TouristSupportInRussia‬


Elena Shumilova: village life

Elena Shumilova is  a mother of two boys. She lives in a village. She's making wonderful photos of her children with animals. 
These photos show us village life from its best side and inspire us to live a common life and be happy in it!